Code of Conduct
I will complete all course work and assignments to the best of my ability, with an earnest desire to learn and develop new knowledge.
When working with others, I will align my goals with the team goals.
When working with others, I will do my fair share.
I will respond timely to information requests from #TEACH.
I will complete all required work as assigned within the time frames expected of me including being on track to complete all coursework in 13 months or less. I understand that extensions of the 13-month rule are at the sole discretion of TEACH, LLC and that failure to complete coursework within the required timeframe can be cause for program dismissal and revocation of my interim certification if one has been granted.
I will speak freely and participate in group work.
I will share my viewpoints freely and respect the sharing of others.
When I need help, I will ask.
I will be aware of the needs and feelings of others, and avoid attacking, negative, or defending behaviors.
I will be respectful in all interactions with others, and expect the same in return.
I will not use offensive, derogatory, or inappropriate language or themes of communication.
I will keep an open mind when presented with concepts and points of view that seem contrary to my own.
I will play devil’s advocate only when appropriate.
I will not sacrifice or alter my own beliefs when faced with strong opposition, but only when I feel it is the right thing to do.
I will be forthright in expressing my ideas or concerns.
I will make information about myself available in an appropriate manner at a level that is comfortable to me when asked.
I will share feelings, values, and beliefs with others when appropriate
I will follow the principals of academic honesty as laid out in this program
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
All work submitted must reflect my own effort, critical thinking, and understanding. Use of AI to generate or enhance responses or assignments is strictly prohibited.
Any violation of this policy will be considered a breach of academic honesty and may result in disciplinary action, including program dismissal.
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is accepted as the cornerstone of the development and acquisition of knowledge. Since knowledge is cumulative, further advances are predicated on the contributions of others.
In the normal course of scholarship these contributions are apprehended, critically evaluated, and utilized as a foundation for further inquiry. Academic honesty demands that the contribution of others be acknowledged. To do less is to cheat. To claim contributions and ideas of another, including AI, as one’s own is to deprive oneself the opportunity and challenge to learn and to participate in the scholarly process of acquisition and development of knowledge.
It is a requirement that all enrolled students adhere to academic honesty in scholarship. The control of intellectual dishonesty begins with each individual’s recognition of the standards of honesty expected and then his/her compliance with these expectations.​